In what ways has physical geography shaped the development of a particular civilization? Look at the political, social, cultural, and economic structures

Purpose of Assignment: Create a presentation using visual aids to answer one of the writing prompts provided. You will use organizational and communication skills to explain what you researched for your presentation and what you learned. It is important to keep in mind that this presentation and its components constitute twenty-five percent (25%) of your final grade so be sure to follow all guidelines with detail and care.
Skills: You will use your research skills developed through the course to find strong academic sources to complete the project –,,, or are NOT strong academic sources. They are fine to use as a place to “look up stuff,” but they are neither academic nor scholarly. You will use multimedia skills to put together a strong presentation. You will use self-assessment skills to examine how you performed in the course. You can use general websites for general information – such as those listed above – but you must include at least THREE (3) scholarly works of history which included books or journal articles
Knowledge: By completing this assignment, you will gain insight into how civilizations developed and changed. You will gain experience in putting together a cohesive presentation, and you will assess your performance throughout the term.
Tasks: Create a Power Point presentation. Best practice for PPT presentations include: (1) a visually appealing slide background to be used throughout the presentation (2) slides ought to contain small bits of text or bullet points (3) an image or graphic illustration and lastly, (4) a notes or audio commentary that elaborates on the text of each slide.
The presentation must choose ONE of the regions we have discussed this semester. Create presentation discussing EITHER:
In what ways has physical geography shaped the development of a particular civilization? Look at the political, social, cultural, and economic structures, or,
Is the definition of civilization successful in defining the cultures in the region, why or why not? Look at the six characteristics of civilization., or,
How does religion influence the social, cultural, and political aspects of that place?
How You Will Be Assessed: Successful assignments will be assessed on whether or not the presentations meet the following criteria:
The presentation will be the equivalent of a five minute presentation delivered before an audience.
A minimum of THREE academic sources (see Research Materials section below) to inform your research.
A minimum of eight slides that include the following
Introduction of topic and region.
Discussion of the topic: at least six slides.
One slide explaining why or why not the study of history is important to becoming informed citizens.
One slide explaining how understanding the motivations behind past cultures help us understand world events today.
Your bibliography must be included.
Self-Reflection Submission: This portion should be uploaded as a .doc/.docx file. Successful submissions will include answers to the following questions:
Describe one thing that you found most interesting in class. Write one or two paragraphs.
Describe one thing that you would change about your study strategies for the term. Write one or two paragraphs.
Comment on the content of your presentation: do you feel that you provided your audience with information that they did not know prior to your presentation? Explain in one or two paragraphs.
Comment on participation in the course? If you feel that you did not participate well, how will you modify your strategy for future terms? Be specific. Write one paragraph.
Please provide one piece of advice that you would offer future students taking a course like this. Write one paragraph.
Tips on Research and Finding Good Sources:
The PPT presentation should be submitted as lastname.ppt or lastname.pptx
The Self-Reflection should be submitted as lastname.doc or lastname.docx
How can I choose the best answers?
What does “scholarly” mean?
How do I identify scholarly books?
How do I find peer reviewed scholarly articles?
Ask a Librarian for help if you get stuck.
What is the best way to read a scholarly article?
How to save articles to read later.

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