After studying Judaism, Identify three “aha” moments or understandings that helped you grasp the meaning of Judaism, or that provided a connection for you to the ideas or practices of that religion.

After studying Judaism, Identify three “aha” moments or understandings that helped you grasp the meaning of Judaism, or that provided a connection for you to the ideas or practices of that religion. Then identify at least 1 “bump” that you found confusing, contradictory to prior understandings, or that you still have questions about.

Turning in Journal #4: Remember that Journals MUST BE a MINIMUM of 2 full pages, not counting headings (if you have 3 lines of headings, make sure you go onto page three with text for at least three lines. )

You DO NOT need to use outside sources (but if you do, these MUST be identified and cited), as the goal is to simply reflect on and respond to the material in the lectures. This is not a REPORT, where you give me facts about the religion alone, but a reflection on the material from the lectures that were “aha!” moments or “bumps.”

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