4-bit Synchronous Up-Down Counter in Quartus II.

1) a) Title Page The title page should be a single page with only the following. information:
i) Course number with section
ii) Project title
iii) Your name and IDs
iv) The date the project is submitted.
v) A brief description of the project
b) Theory of operation: Explain how your circuit works, but do not give implementation details. This should be an expanded version of the introduction. That is to give a high-level description of what your circuits do and how they do it. For example, you could explain any algorithms you implemented, any conditions or restrictions the user must observe to use the circuits, and the high-level structure of your circuits at the block diagram level.
c) Design details: This subsection is where you can go into the details of your design. It should contain any logical expressions you use, any Karnaugh maps or algebraic simplifications you performed, and any tables or state diagrams for sequential circuits. It should explain design techniques if they are not self-explanatory. It should refer to the detailed documentation (such as schematic diagrams) explicitly. This section should also contain a description of any unusual problems you had with your designed solution and how you solved them.
d) Schematic Diagrams. Make sure all input and output connectors are labeled with the proper signal name. Add labels for any interior signals that appear in the written description of the circuit, especially those that appear in logical expressions.
e) The waveform resulting from the time simulation. Do as many simulations you consider so that you can show the functionality of the circuit. You should set the waveform in the same order of variables that you provide in the truth tables.
i) Use only functional simulation.
f) Analysis, including comments and conclusions.

2) For this second project, you will proceed with the design and simulation of a four-bit Up-Down counter; you will need to use Flip-Flops JK negative edge triggered 74112. The flip flops are available in .mf library. This flip flops come in Dual-Packages so all you need is two of them. Implementation with other class of devices, like 71LS161/163 will not be considered. You need to take into consideration the following parameters:
a) The simulations should use a clock of 25 MHz.
b) The counter must operate with Up_Down, to select the counting direction, clear, preset and clock inputs and the respective four outputs Qa, Qb, Qc, Qd.
c) The snapshots should show a complete count (from 0000 to 1111 and another for a count from 1111 to 0000) and should show uses of Asynchronous Clear and Preset.

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