Micro-nutrients and Health Start Assignment.


In lab this week, you will learn about micronutrients of concern.

Micronutrients, often referred to as vitamins and minerals, are vital to healthy development, disease prevention, and wellbeing. With the exception of vitamin D, micronutrients are not produced in the body and must be derived from the diet. Though people only need small amounts of micronutrients, consuming the recommended amount is important. Micronutrient deficiencies can have devastating consequences. At least half of children worldwide younger than 5 years of age suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiencies.


The lab activity for this week will occur outside of the lab time. You will use the website/app CronometerLinks to an external site. to track your dietary intake for two, 24-hour periods. The main point of this exercise will be for you to examine your micronutrient levels and where you may be in excess and where you may fall short. Be sure to focus on micronutrients and not macronutrients (i.e., carbohydrates, fat, and protein).


Your lab assignment for this week should include screenshots of your micronutrient intakes and highlighting which micronutrients are in excess and which are inadequate based on scholarly sources.


Data( Use the screenshots photos), + Scholary sources about the
micronutrient intakes and highlighting which micronutrients are in excess and which are inadequate based on scholarly sources.

Micronutrients and Health
Micronutrients and Health
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction
15 pts
Full Marks
Defines key terms, provides background information and develops a purpose statement with a public health message.
5 pts
No Marks
Does not define key terms or provides background information. No purpose statement with a public health message.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Methodology
15 pts
Full Marks
Describe ALL step by step procedures and data gathering in concrete terms using past tense. Avoids first person and uses a professional, scientific tone when writing each step. Does not include extraneous information that does not apply to your procedures.
5 pts
No Marks
Does not use past tense. Does not use professional tone when writing. Does not use concrete, scientific language.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Data
15 pts
Full Marks
Includes screen shots of micronutrients consumed for two 24 hour periods. Shows micro nutrient consumption from the data base Chronometer. Shares observations of factors that might impact results and specific health outcomes for those factors.
5 pts
No Marks
Omits calculations and does not properly label units of measurement. Does not show visual representation of data. Does not include observations that might skew results.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar, Writing, and Spelling
5 pts
Full Marks
Edits work appropriately so there are no typos or grammatical errors. Uses proper capitalization, punctuation, and follows the rules of grammar and writing.
0 pts
No Marks
Does not properly edit work and lab assignment contains grammar, spelling, or writing errors.
5 pts

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