Discuss about Magnetic Strategies for Nervous System Control.

PLEASE RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING POST OF A CLASSMATE IN 100 WORDS, Remember that your posts must be substantive and contribute to the dialogue that is taking place: This statement acknowledges different forms of energy in the human body, including electrical, magnetic, light, heat, and acoustic. It suggests that there may be other forms of energy that cannot be defined easily by traditional physics and chemistry. According to the text, electrical currents, along with their associates can be found in the body. The electrical and magnetic fields of the human body are complex and dynamic, and they are associated with dynamic processes such as heart and brain function, blood and lymph flow, ion transport across cell membranes, and many other processes. (Freeman, 2009 pg. 556). I find it interesting that the human body emits low-level light, acoustic energy, and heat. It also has electrical and magnetic properties and may also transduce energy that can be defined by physics and chemistry. From a scientific view, it’s known that the human body generates and interacts with various forms of energy. For example, electrical impulses play an essential role in nerve signals and muscle contractions, while magnetic fields are made by electrical activity in the body, such as those generated by the heart and brain. The body also emits heat, light, and acoustic energy (such as sound produced by internal organs). Regarding the effectiveness of these therapies based on these principles, depends on the specific context and the therapy. Some alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, biofield therapies such as Reiki, and electromagnetic field therapies, are based on the concept of manipulating the body’s energy fields to promote healing or well-being. (Freeman, 2009). Every function of the human body relies on some type of signal transmission – from the immune system to the regeneration of cells, waste removal, healing, nerve function, immune function, circulation, and everything in between. And it all starts on the cellular level. Every cell knows its purpose and function and how to do it. Electromagnetic therapy has been investigated as a potential treatment for a range of conditions, including chronic pain, depression, and bone healing. The therapy works by applying electromagnetic fields to the body, which can stimulate the body’s cells and tissues. This stimulation can promote healing and reduce pain and inflammation.

For the body to function at all, these signal transmissions must be clear and strong enough so the message gets to where it needs to go and can be understood by the receiving end. (Dr. Evelin Valdez, 2023) In summary, while the human body does interact with various forms of energy, including electrical, magnetic, light, heat, and acoustic energies, the effectiveness of therapies based on manipulating these energies may require further scientific investigation, validation, and evidence-based practice. Reference Christiansen, M. G., Senko, A. W., & Anikeeva, P. (2019). Magnetic Strategies for Nervous System Control. Annual review of neuroscience, 42, 271–293. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-neuro-070918-050241 Dr. Evelin Valdez, N. (n.d.). Electromagnetic fields in the human body. Electromagnetic Fields in the Human Body. https://www.helpmychronicpain.com/blog/electromagnetic-fields-in-the-human-body Freeman, L. (2009a). Mosby’s Complementary & Alternative Medicine: A research-based approach. Mosby.

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