Identify the qualitative methodology; discuss the conceptual framework and philosophical underpinnings.

The examination consists of four questions that must be completed. Students must receive a passing grade on all questions. The responses will be blinded and graded by a faculty review committee and a grade of pass or fail will be assigned. A passing grade is required for all four questions to successfully complete the examination and advance in the PhD program.
The exam questions are included in this document and are available at the start of the course. Students will submit their responses within the NURS 980 course. The comprehensive exams will be graded within three weeks of submission. The Chairperson of the Comprehensive Examination Committee and the Director of the PhD in Nursing Education Program will notify the student through the NURS 980 course of the comprehensive examination results.
Students may have two attempts to successfully complete the examination. Students who do not successfully complete the comprehensive examination after the second attempt will be referred to the Committee on Student Progress. The student who fails the initial exam must register for NURS 980 the following term. Failure to pass two comprehensive examinations results in dismissal from the program. A minimum score of 10 points per exam question is required to pass.
Under no circumstances are students to collaborate with classmates, colleagues, or other support persons once questions are received. Students are cautioned that evidence of collaboration with others in deriving answers and/or plagiarism is grounds for dismissal from the program. Once a student has successfully completed the comprehensive examination, the student may use the initials PhD(c).

You will write a paper that answers the exam question assigned to you. You will write a total of four papers. You will write one paper for each question. Each paper must be a minimum of 10 – 13 pages, excluding the title and reference pages, a minimum of 10 scholarly sources published within the past five years are required. The paper must be in the current APA format.

Students must receive a passing grade on all questions.

Comprehensive Examination: Qualitative Research Assignment is due by the end of Module 1: Week 2.
Comprehensive Examination: Quantitative Research Assignment is due by the end of Module 2: Week 3.
Comprehensive Examination: Public Policy Assignment is due by the end of Module 2: Week 4.
Comprehensive Examination: Education Assignment is due by the end of Module 2: Week 5.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
1. Qualitative Research Question

Design a qualitative research study regarding your phenomenon of interest. Include a statement of the problem and guiding questions. Identify the qualitative methodology; discuss the conceptual framework and philosophical underpinnings. Support your choice of methodology based on the problem and research questions. Include a succinct and focused literature review on the phenomenon of interest. Identify and describe the methods for participant recruitment (addressing sample size), data collection, data, and analysis. Identify ethical concerns related to the study, and potential limitations. Discuss how rigor will be assured in your research design. Discuss potential significance to nursing, nursing education, nursing practice and nursing research.
• Phenomenon of interest is identified
• Problem statement is clearly written
• Guiding (research) questions clearly relate to the problem identified
• Methodology is appropriate and justified and includes discussion of conceptual framework and philosophical underpinnings
• The literature review is focused, succinct
• Design components are identified and supported:
o Sample is clearly identified and includes the sampling method as appropriate
o Data collection is consistent with research design
o Identifies the proposed research steps to data analysis
• Rigor is established using credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability of the findings
• Ethics is incorporated in the research plan
• Limitations are thoroughly addressed
• Potential significance to nursing, nursing education, nursing practice and nursing research is discussed

2. Quantitative Research Question
Design a quantitative research study to address your problem of interest. Include a statement of the problem and formulate research question(s) and hypothesis (hypotheses). Discuss the philosophical underpinnings and theoretical framework. Include a succinct and focused literature review on the problem of interest. Identify and describe your research design, including your rationale for selection. Discuss ethical considerations for the study. Describe the sampling approach and calculate the sample size. Include factors to assure quality of data collection instruments. Identify the statistics you would use in order to answer your research questions, include your rationale for selection. Describe how the data will be explored statistically for statistical assumptions. Discuss potential significance to nursing, nursing education, nursing practice and nursing research.
• Problem of Interest
• The philosophical underpinnings and framework are discussed.
• The literature review is focused, succinct
• Problem statement, research question(s), hypothesis (hypotheses) are congruent and clearly written
• Research design is consistent with the research question(s), is/are clearly described and selection is justified
• Sample is clearly identified, and the sample size is calculated
• Quality of data collection instrument is assured
• Statistical plan is appropriate for the research question(s) and hypothesis (hypotheses)
• Ethics is incorporated in the research plan
• Significance to nursing, nursing education, nursing practice and nursing research is included.
Textbook: Gall, Meredith D., Joyce P. Gall, & Walter R. Borg. Educational Research: An Introduction. 8th ed. Allyn & Bacon, Inc., 2007. ISBN: 9780205488490.

3. Public Policy Question

As a nurse educator, you are assigned to a task force in your state to submit a proposal (not a bill or legislation) to the legislature of your state for the development of an educational program for associate degrees nurses (ADNs) pursuing nurse practitioner (APRNs) degrees (not a DNP). A main barrier to this proposal is no new schools of nursing are permitted. The following aims for the program must be addressed:
1. Multidisciplinary students and courses
2. Workforce diversity
3. Culturally relevant care
Discuss the proposed program including strategies, both traditional and innovative, to achieve these aims.
Include the following components in your discussion:
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Background: (Context)
• Population of the community (Imaginary)
• Current number of schools/enrollment; number of students served/enrolled
• Problem
• Current population and professional ratios /gaps (example: 18% AA, only 1% nurses are AA)
• Solution:
• Purpose
• The proposed educational program APRN.
• Significance of the program to the local community (Justification)
• A brief review of the literature addressing the three aims for the program identified above
• Program goal and outcomes: A state priority
• Project requirements
• Potential students, probable numbers
• Fee structure, justification
• Marketing
• Potential employees and roles; job descriiption
• Intended start date, duration of program and justification
• Teachers qualified to teach the proposed program
• Facility for lab/clinical /transport etc.
• Licensing examination/patient safety
• Program evaluation
• Infrastructure development
• Stakeholder involvement
• Social, ethical, legal, economic and political issues you have addressed in this proposal
• Anticipated challenges
• Timeline for each stage of development (completion in one calendar year) This include approval by DOE, BON, Location approval, legal consult, leadership and stakeholders, funding resources, other fiscal building/lab/food/testing/clinical/ licensing examination, meetings with political leaders
• Request for response; be specific about what you want
• Conclusion
• References

Please note the proposal should not be an actual curriculum plan with specific courses, but an overall proposal on implementing an educational program.

4. Education Question

You have been selected to develop a new Pre-Licensure BSN nursing program. The needs assessment has been done and validates the need for the program. Discuss how your nursing program will develop a curriculum plan incorporating competency-based education. The plan must demonstrate the integration of the AACN Essentials (2021) through the program and course outcomes. In addition, give examples of integrating a biblical worldview through program, course outcomes, and course descriiptions.

• A curricular plan to utilize competency-based education.
o Program Student Learning Outcomes
o Curriculum
 List all nursing courses that will be included in the program.
 Provide four example course include

• Course descriiptions
• Student learning outcomes for each course.
o Explanation of integrating competency-based education
o Incorporation of the AACN Essentials (2021) within the program and example course outcomes
o Describe what evaluation measures to ensure the achievement of outcomes considering accreditation requirements from CCNE.
• Describe the possible impact of the new curricular plan on the budget and on the following stakeholders.
• Faculty
• Current and future students
• Community of interest
• Accreditation issues that may impact the program.
• Current literature from nursing and education should be used to support your response.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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