What financial data do you need to take into consideration to make your decision and where do you find it?

1. The Interview:
Scenario: You are in the final interview stages for a lucrative hospital administrator position at an established non-profit hospital. You are looking for something that will put you over the top and show your understanding of their environment as well as how you can contribute to improving it.

Prepare a formal written response to both of the following:
· Read one of the articles from https://www.optum.com/resources.html, and explain how the particular approach or practice described in the article would be a financial boon to the hospital.
· During the final interview process, the Board wants to know why you would be interested in a job for a non-profit hospital instead of a for-profit hospital. Explain why.

2. Sizing Up Your Future Employer:
They offered you the job! Now you have to decide if you want to take it. Before you can accept such a huge responsibility, you need to know the current state of hospital’s financial health.

In this section of the Case Study, explain how you would determine the liquidity and the solvency of the hospital.
• What financial data do you need to take into consideration to make your decision and where do you find it?
• Based on your findings, what are the pros & cons of this institution?

3. First Meeting with the CFO:
Congratulations! You accepted the offer and you are hired. The Board hired you to improve the financial performance of the hospital, so you get right to work to make that happen. During your first week, you schedule a meeting with the CFO, who has been at the hospital for 20 years.

For this section of the Case Study:
· Prepare a list of at least six (6) questions to ask the CFO during your first meeting and explain what you expect to understand by asking each question.
· To help you prepare your questions, first briefly describe what you want to get out of the meeting. You can list your questions in any order, but try to maintain a logical flow.

4. First Challenge – Managing Change:

Scenario: Many of the senior leadership and the physicians have been working in that hospital for years and they do not understand the “new normal” of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). They are looking to you for guidance as to what it means to the hospital. You mention that some hospitals are starting to pay for patients’ COBRA, and paying to enroll them in Obamacare.

· Based on what you have learned in this course, prepare a response to them as to why hospitals like the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
· The CFO is skeptical as to how this would benefit the hospital. Prepare a response to the CFO as to why this might be a good idea.
 What analysis would you perform before you present your response?
 Consider how many patients you have in each payer source, and analyze ER separately from outpatient and inpatient.

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