What was the primary concern of Socrates philosophical inquiries?

What was the primary concern of Socrates philosophical inquiries?
Consider this passage from Plato’s Apology (30a-b; Tredennick trans):
“For I spend all of my time going around trying to persuade you, young and old, to make your first and chief concern not for your bodies nor for your possessions, but for the highest welfare of your souls, proclaiming as I go, Wealth does not bring goodness, but goodness brings wealth and every other blessing, both to the individual and to the state.”
And consider this passage from Vlastos:
“How could the god implement this wish for them? How could he bring everyone in Athens to see that ‘they should have their first and greatest concern for their soul that it should be as excellent as possible’?” He could send them signs to that effect, dreams and oracles galore. But unless they brought the right beliefs to the interpretation of those signs, they would not be able to read them correctly. And they could not have come by those right beliefs unless they had already engaged in the quest for moral truth. So the god is stuck.”

Now, write me a short paper (approx. 4 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, 1” margins) explaining what the passages mean in relation to course themes and readings thus far. Specifically, tell me: (a) why does Socrates think that pursuit of the highest welfare of your souls is the good life (i.e., why does he think that is our ‘chief concern’); (b) what, generally, the relationship is supposed to be between reason & religion (the authority of reason and divine command/authority of divine signs/revelation) in moral inquiry as discussed by these Socratic texts and interpreters. Finally, tell me (c) whether or not you think Socrates lived a good life, and why.
I expect usage and citations of both our primary texts (Apology; Euthyphro) and our secondary texts (Vlastos, Brickhouse & Smith, Jaeger, McPherran). There’s no concrete number of citations and sources required; one source is surely inadequate, and remember that there is a difference between citations and sources. For citations, please use Chicago footnotes; I prefer Chicago footnotes because Socrates clearly preferred them.1 No cover page, no biblio needed. **Please only use the attached sources for the 4 sources in the paper**

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