Discuss the Engaging with parents (human behavior class).

Discussion 1, you met Jim and Sarah and explored the developmental challenges their baby Jane may face as a result of their substance use. You also described the skills you could use with them in a social worker role. Now, consider how you would engage with Jim and Sarah and share information during an initial social work session. How would you answer their questions? How would you allay fears and present resources to help them care for Jane?
Here, in Discussion 2, you apply these ideas in practice by recording a video of yourself speaking to Jim and Sarah as their social worker. You then reflect on your performance

Review the Learning Resources on effective professional-parent relationships.
• Consider the skills that you identified in Discussion 1 and how you might employ them in a meeting with parents Jim and Sarah.
• Reflect on the roles of social workers.

Record and post a 2-minute video in which you imagine yourself in an initial meeting with Jim and Sarah. As their social worker, you must speak about potential challenges and the resources available to them as new parents of a child with disabilities.
Then, in your post, reflect on what you did well in the video, the practice skills you demonstrated, and the skills that were not demonstrated or that may need improvement.
Also assess your comfort level in engaging in these types of conversations.

Tsiaris, A. (2010). Conception to birth-visualized & [Video.
TED. https://www.ted.com/talks/alexander
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 9 minutes.
• Walden University, LLC. (2021). Meet Ray [Video. Walden University Blackboard.
Time Estimate: 1 minute
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Required Readings
• Zastrow, C. H., Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hessenauer, S. L. (2019). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (11th ed.). Cengage Learning.
• Chapter 2, “Biological Development in Infancy and Childhood” (pp. 45-94)
• Cohen, A., & Mosek, A. (2019). “Power together”: Professionals and parents of children with disabilities creating productive partnerships &. Child & Family Social Work, 24(4), 565-573.
• O’Sullivan, A., & Monk, C. (2020). Maternal and environmental influences on perinatal and infant development &. The Future of Children: Three Trimesters to Three Years:
Promoting Early Development, 30(2),

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