Write about a few different things that need to be updated, upgraded, improved, or otherwise fixed up at A+ Twirling Studio.

P‌‍‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌age 1 In one paragraph of 300 words, write about a few different things that need to be updated, upgraded, improved, or otherwise fixed up at A+ Twirling Studio. This project should cost money and involve some changes like new equipment, an expansion, or some other tangible change in the studio. Try for a wide range of ideas here–you will be writing a long report later in the course that will ask you to propose some real changes to A+ Twirling Studio, so use this Discussion to brainstorm possibilities and to get ideas from each other. Page 2 In one paragraph of 300 words, write about how you would persuade your boss Mr. Jones-Channel, to make a major upgrade, update, or other improvement at the twirling studio. This will help you prepare to write the Proposal Memo and Researched Long Report. Also list the kind of things you will need to know to accomplish this project: what research will you need to do? Page 3 Be sure to review the readings in 2C with special attention to Memo Format and Content and Chapter 9.2 Memorandums and Letters. Your understanding of how to format your memo and adjust your writing based on these readings is important to complete this assignment correctly! The Proposal Memo is a one-page memo addressed to. In it, you will explain how you wish the owner, Mr. Jones-Channel, to improve A+ Twirling Studio. It’s fine to use some of the ideas that were generated from pages 1 and 2 in this module. For the memo, develop the idea(s) in detail, using lots of examples and specifics, to help your boss see the reasons you want to make these improvements. Feel free to discuss how these changes will impact the workplace and workers. Emphasize the benefits the proposed ideas are intended to make. This Proposal Memo will outline your thi‌‍‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌nking at this point–you want permission to explore the costs and possibilities associated with your idea for improvement. (In the following assignment (not now!) you will do research on the specific changes you’d like to make). Your topic will be something you wish to persuade your audience to support (pay for!) regarding A+ Twirling Studio. Maybe you need a new warehouse. Maybe you want to open another storefront. Maybe it’s renovations. Maybe you need a new fleet of vehicles or a set of specific tools to improve your business/organization. Maybe you need to take all the employees on a retreat to build morale. Whatever you choose to propose, for the later assignments you will be doing research and constructing an Annotated Bibliography to support your idea with data and evidence. You will have to find out costs, create a set of options, provide recommendations, and persuade your audience to support your Researched Long Report. Format: Use standard memo format, incorporating all that you have learned about writing memos. One page maximum. Please include: A brief opening that explains your purpose and briefly summarizes the proposal. This is an unsolicited proposal, so the boss will not be expecting it. A background paragraph explaining the current conditions that have led to your proposal. Two or three paragraphs that provide the details and specifics about your idea(s). A closing that clearly indicates your commitment to the proposal idea. Style: Write clearly and concisely, avoiding wordiness. Be direct and get straight to the point, as the boss is a busy person. Required Readings:

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