Examine the global, national and/or local impact on nurses, quality of care, healthcare organizations, and healthcare equity.

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
1. The DNP Project Manuscriipt Part 1 will be graded on the quality of information, use of current statistics and research, Standard English usage and mechanics, APA format, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the guidelines and grading criteria/rubric.
2. Review the grading rubric carefully and consider how to incorporate each required criterion into Part 1 of the DNP Project Manuscriipt Template.
3. Review the tutorial on the use of the DNP Project Manuscriipt Template in this week’s lesson.
Follow the instructions on the template for the purpose, problem, and problem significance. Submit Part 1 of the DNP Project Manuscriipt.
1. Title
a. Bold the title.
b. The title should inform and engage the reader.
c. The title should include your intervention and anticipated outcome and may include your population.
d. The title should be concise and contain fully spelled out words with no abbreviations.
2. Introduction and Background
a. Place the title of your project as the heading of this section. The title is bold and centered.
b. Start the introduction with a powerful statement or two to stimulate the interest of your reader.
c. Explicitly state that the DNP Project Manuscriipt concerns an evidence-based intervention to improve healthcare outcomes. Improving healthcare should include variables of quality, safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, cost, efficiency, and/or equity, and it should include referenced statistics.
d. Explicitly state the practice problem and the purpose (aim) of the project.
e. Identify the sections of the entire DNP Project Manuscriipt Template to transition readers to the entire manuscriipt. (Students will continue writing in this manuscriipt in NR705 and NR709).
3. Problem
a. Articulate the issue clearly and succinctly and its significance (incidence, prevalence, and/or mortality data) from a global, national, and local perspective. Then, conclude by discussing the problem within the practicum site. (3 paragraphs)
b. Examine the global or worldwide prevalence, healthcare costs, and impact (mortality and/or other data) of the problem.
c. Examine the global, national and/or local impact on nurses, quality of care, healthcare organizations, and healthcare equity.
d. Describe the national prevalence, healthcare costs, and impact (mortality and/or other data) of the problem.
e. Explain the problem at the practicum site. (If available and applicable also examine the incidence, prevalence, and financial impact.)
f. Describe what the practicum site has done to address the problem, or state that there is no evidence that the problem has been addressed.
4. Project Aim and Supporting Objectives
a. Explain the specific overall aim of the project.
b. Identify 3-4 measurable objectives of the project that support the aim.
c. Place the objectives in a sequenced format (a)…, (b)…., (c)…., etc.
5. Practice Question
a. Begin this section with a lead-in sentence such as, “The following practice question will serve as the basis for the DNP project:”
b. After the Lead-in Sentence, include your one-sentence practice question as it is stated on your DNP Practicum Readiness Form- Except do not include the name of the practicum site in the manuscriipt.
6. References
a. Information in this manuscriipt must be substantiated by citations from current peer-reviewed journals (within the last 5 years).
b. For the statistical data about incidence, prevalence, and mortality, you may use research and non-research such as government websites and credible national and global organizations such as CDC, AHRQ, World Health Organization, Kaiser Family Foundation, and Robert Wood Johnson. (See resources in the Week 2 Student Lesson Plan.)

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