Critically apply the theory to the understanding of the episode (10 points). Clearly identify what concepts or principles of the theory are demonstrated through what speech or behavior as described in the episode.

Theory: Choose a theory that has been covered in class. In addition, read and cite at least one primary, academic source that helps you understand the theory.
Application: Describe a personal social interaction and analyze it with the chosen theory.
To write an effective reflection paper, consider the following structure:
a. Introduction: Use an attention getter and indicate why you choose the theory (5 points).
b. Describe the theory fully. Show your understanding by identifying the major concepts, relationships among the concepts, and the critique of the theory (10 points). Besides the textbook, use at least two more primary sources.
c. Describe your personal episode (10 points). Use a good storytelling technique to describe it. Use sufficient information (e.g., relational background, essential topic, conversations between the partners, consequences, etc.). This can be an ongoing issue, or an episodic issue.
d. Critically apply the theory to the understanding of the episode (10 points). Clearly identify what concepts or principles of the theory are demonstrated through what speech or behavior as described in the episode.
e. Provide the moral of the story: What have you learned or realized through this application? What will you do in similar future situations (5 points)?

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