Write a report outlining a research project on how schools fail to include pupils with autism, how little help they receive, and how few teachers are willing to work with them.

Write a report outlining a research project on how schools fail to include pupils with autism, how little help they receive, and how few teachers are willing to work with them.5-7 pages (Not counting Works Cited page or Outline) MLA format
This should be an analytical and/or persuasive paper on a topic chosen and researched by the student.
This paper must do more than just document what others have said; it should express and demonstrate the student’s own conclusions based on the research conducted (no simple biographical sketches, survey or summary of information, historical narrative, personal experience, or book review).

The introductory section should contain a clear and focused thesis statement, and the body should follow the mapping (outline should match paper), with clear transitions between big sections (Roman Numerals of Outline). A separate concluding section should be included. The paper must use MLA documentation and a minimum of four different sources must be cited. No more than two articles from a particular publication may count toward the six minimum sources, and at least three of the sources must be from recent (last three years) periodical sources (newspaper, magazine, journal). Subjects with no currently published information should be avoided. The paper should cover a well-focused subject, presenting the writer’s findings clearly, with accurate and relevant use of source material.

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