How does culture contribute to forms of inequality? Discuss in relation to the Schwalbe (2008) reading.

QuestionAccording to Schwalbe (2008, pp. 217-218) ‘inequalities are social, not personal . . . because they result from how society is organized and where people fit into that pattern of organization.’ How does culture contribute to forms of inequality? Discuss in relation to the Schwalbe (2008) reading. NoteYou must include a minimum of four references for this essay. These will include the source quoted in the question itself (Schwalbe 2008), a secondary source provided on vUWS that is appropriate and relevant to your question and an independently researched academic source. In other words, you will need to use:1. the Schwalbe reading from week 7 to provide a theoretical basis for your essay2. a source provided on vUWS that is appropriate and relevant to your topic (this can include a non-peer-reviewed source).3. an academic peer-reviewed secondary source found through independent research. Mandatory reference you must include in the essay from Reading 1. Schwalbe (2008) 2. Making sense of everyday lifeScott, S.Polity2009 3. Book Introducing sociology using the stuff of everyday life Johnston, J. Cairns, K. Baumann, SNew YorkRoutledge2017 4.Culture is ordinary (Ch 9)Chapter Title: Culture is ordinary (Ch 1-9)Chapter Author: Williams, R.Title: Studying culture: An introductory reader

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