Write a report using the ePort JCPS information regarding what can and cannot be recycled.

Write a report using the ePort JCPS information regarding what can and cannot be recycled. You can also include a quote from a JCPS waste disposal expert that details the amount of trash compared to recycling for the academic year 2012–2013.So remember to add CONDITIONS FOR REBUTTAL (objections) and REBUTTAL (counter-arguments) to your own arguments, and look for them in the arguments you read or hear. The parts of a thorough argument, then, are

CLAIM: eSchool teachers should recycle all recyclable materials in the office.

WARRANT: It is important to protect our environment, including placing less trash in landfills.

QUALIFIER: Some trash is not recyclable in office bins.

REASONS: Recycling keeps trash out of landfills and creates a cleaner community.

EVIDENCE: “[In] the manufacture of new products from ‘virgin materials’ the amount of energy needed is much higher than using recycled materials. The energy and resources that are expended in the transportation of “virgin” materials is also saved” (benefits-of-recycling.com). This means that something made out of our old cracker boxes takes less energy — and therefore pollutes the air and water less — than something made “scratch.”

CONDITIONS FOR REBUTTAL: Some not sure of what can / cannot be recycled. Some unsure that recyclables actually go to recycling center and not to trash.

REBUTTAL: Report JCPS information about what can or cannot be recycled, and quote expert from JCPS waste disposal who will state amount of trash versus recycling for the 2012-13 school year.

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