Comparing the novel Invisible man by Ralph Ellison to the paintings Ten Little Girls by Imo Nse Imeh focus on your analysis.

Paper: classic essay with an introduction with a clear thesis at the end of the introduction, body, and conclusion
Pages: 3-5 pages (with a works cited page)
Type of paper: analysis (on how the texts reflects the African American experience
Literature: first piece contemporary ( book, music, visual art, murals
Literature: second piece is a piece from the textbook that was written before the 1960s.

Top of Paper: your name, En 235 (section online section 1 or 2 ), date, paper number, 12 font, time or times new roman, double space
Research: you need to use 2- 3 research sources
You cannot use the same source twice
There should not be long quotations from the book in this paper.
The focus is your analysis of the literature.
Cite: cite correctly using MLA documentation

There is a specific way of writing in-text citations using MLA documentation.
What Are In-Text Citations?
MLA In-Text Citations
MLA Works Cited Page
to write a classic essay: introduction, body, and conclusion

to write a one sentence thesis as the last sentence of the introduction
to write specific topic sentences that relate to the thesis
to write paragraphs that develops a central idea
to write a concluding sentence that relates to the topic sentence
to distinguish between an introduction and a conclusion
to find literary criticisms ( or other types of criticisms – reviews)
note the grammar
proofread the paper

Comparing the novel Invisible man by Ralph Ellison to the paintings Ten Little Girls by Imo Nse Imeh
focus on your analysis

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