What does all of this mean for the leadership team at the company?

Professor Notes for Assignment:
You are to approach the Final Paper as a Diversity Consultant who has been asked to help facilitate Diversity and Inclusion in a (fictional) workplace. This is your opportunity to piece together your own thoughts on DEI in the workplace.
Include the title of your paper in a title page, and a half-page to one-page summary of the contents. Start your abstract with this statement: “Upon reviewing the company, I have learned…”
Include headings for each of the main points you want to make within the 4-6 page structure. The main points should align with key areas of diversity/inclusion that the company may wish to consider/implement.

You are not limited to just the written word! If you wish to include charts or graphs as part of the content, feel free to do so. (However, watch that you don’t count a page-sized chart towards the 4 to 6 pages’ of content!). The goal is to have a thoughtful paper that captures and applies what you have learned (i.e., in our class, as directed towards this fictional company).
Provide final thoughts on how you (the consultant) recommend applying all this in the workplace. Be sure your summary answers the question: What does all of this mean for the leadership team at the company?
Provide in-text citations for all sources used and list full references on the reference page. You may reference our course materials. Other outside sources must not be blogs, encyclopedias, dictionaries, news articles. Use our library databases or Google scholar to find peer-reviewed material. Do not use quoted material except very sparingly. If you can’t rephrase it, you don’t (or may not) understand it.
4-6 page paper in proper APA 7th Edition formatted word document
12 pt Font, line spacing, headings: all ahve specific formatting, Part of the grade will focus on the proper format of the report.
Do not use quoted material except very sparingly. If you can’t rephrase it, you don’t (or may not) understand it.
Do not copy anything without rephrasing it completely, and still providing the source of the material at the end of your sentence like this (author, YYYY) – where YYYY is the publication date. Then put the article, author, date, and link on a References page at the end.
Please re-read the above paragraph as points will be deducted as appropriate.

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