Write a study paper providing an explanation of New England Journal of Medicine, 292(2), 78–81.

Write a study paper providing an explanation of New England Journal of Medicine, 292(2), 78–81.

Please think of this as a discussion we may have in the classroom, except that we are doing it online for over a week. All posts should be thoughtful and respectful and add substantive value to the discussion. One or two sentences is not a substantive response. All posts should be written using full sentences in paragraph form. The use of philosophical concepts, wherever relevant, is highly recommended to earn full points. Please provide both in-text citations and post-text references.

To earn full points for this discussion, you need to:

1. Your initial post is due by Day 4.
2. Your initial post must have at least one in-text citation and corresponding APA-formatted reference. (This alone is worth 20 points, so if you forget to include a reference before you hit “submit,” write another post with your reference.)
3. You must reply to at least two of your classmates.
4. You must post in the discussion on at least three separate days.

Discussion Prompt

About one baby out of every 600 born in the U.S. has Down’s syndrome. Many of these children are born with fatal physical conditions that can cause quite a bit of pain and suffering. For instance, a baby with Down’s syndrome could be born with part of their vital organs missing, intestines might be blocked, and their heart might not pump properly. Surgery is often required for these infants to survive beyond the first few days of life.

Parents must decide whether to allow surgery to save the child, who may end up requiring costly long-term care and services for life, or withhold permission, thus causing the child to die.

Using one of the moral theories from this course to bolster support for your view, do your best to definitely answer whether it is immoral for the parents to withhold surgery.

Rachels, J. (1975). Active and passive euthanasia. New England Journal of Medicine, 292(2), 78-81.

(USLOs 8.1, 8.3)

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