What are the components of the framework for strategic human capital management?

What are the components of the framework for strategic human capital management?

With the content and concept you have learned throughout the course, your group will choose an article
from the E-reserve in any module you prefer to present to the class through a 10 – 15 minutes recording
on Zoom. Essentially, you will be teaching the key concept and takeaways to the class, and as the
“instructors”, you will want to create a visual instructional delivery method, such as PowerPoint or

It is your job to pull essential information from the article, which means discerning from concepts integral
to the discussion of human resources, as well as extraneous details. In order to ensure that you are
providing a comprehensive overview of the reading, you may need to consult external sources to define
and unpack key terms. Your goal is that a person unfamiliar with the reading would, after your
presentation, have a good understanding of it. While you have countless instructional methods at your
disposal, you should be presenting the majority of the time. In other words, it would be unsatisfactory to
conduct group work related to your reading the entire duration of your presentation


[Please find a theme that ties the article and a course concept, please see two parts to the assignment below and do NOT use the three we have chosen so far (employee turnover, benefit allocation decisions, incentives during employee recruitment):

#1) Identify the key concept
#2) Expand upon the class concept/theory]

Please reference course concepts, all attached.

Article (also attached):

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