Write a three to five page essay outlining a fire protection problem based on a news article.

You will write a three to five page essay outlining a fire protection problem based on a news article. You will need to use a news article about about an incident that has happened in the last 5 years in California. Usually, structure fires work best but a wildland fire may work if you can make your case that a fire protection system, training, new fire code, or something else could have reduced the impact of the incident to the community.

Your essay will provide three segments, fully labeled including: SUMMARY of the incident, ANALYSIS addressing all issues experienced including errors and unsafe conditions, and a RECOMMENDATION to prevent this situation from happening again. Your recommendations could include a change of codes, new construction types, or anything that could help prevent the issue in the future. You will also need to attach links or cite any references at the end of your essay article.

Only use news articles. Daily Dispatch is an excellent source: https://www.dailydispatch.com/ (Links to an external site.) Do not use NIOSH reports, Trade Journals like Fire Engineering, Wikipedia, or case studies. The news article should provide enough information that you can form an opinion as to what may prevent future incidents of the same type and condition. You are doing the analysis. You will most likely need to look at outside resources beyond your text. The paper will be double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, and submitted as a Word or PDF document only.

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