Write a research paper on the differential association theory proposed by Sutherland, which is a precursor to theories emphasising the role of relationships with others in explaining criminal behaviour.

Write a research paper on the differential association theory proposed by Sutherland, which is a precursor to theories emphasising the role of relationships with others in explaining criminal behaviour. The theories developed from Sutherland’s theory are among the most popular theories we have to explain crime, and have quite a bit of evidence from research to support them.

For this discussion board, let’s try to apply these ideas to our own lives. It is not clear from your textbook, but this theory argues that people learn how to engage in criminal behavior in the same way (using the same mechanisms) as they learn how to do anything else. I want you to think about how you came to have the morals you have today. Think about the person you are today, and then think about how you came to these morals. What people/groups influenced you to act in deviant ways, and what people/groups influenced you to act in non-deviant ways….and how did they do so? Discuss what each group considered normal and deviant and how you learned from them. Remember what I said in the Powerpoint, that the fundamental principle of differential association is that delinquency is the result of experiencing more definitions favorable to crime rather than unfavorable (taking into account frequency, priority, intensity, etc.). Also remember that for full points you need to use concepts from the textbook and/or lecture and explain them/define them before using them to analyze your life.
**At this point, everyone should now know how to cite the textbook within your posts. On this board, if you do not cite the textbook/source when paraphrasing or use quotation marks when quoting, you will receive a low grade on the board or no credit at all. If you have questions about how to cite, let me know, and I will be happy to break it down for you.

Option #2:
Consider the podcasts and material on the criminal justice system. Drawing explicitly from this material and citing it, explain what reforms you believe are needed in the criminal justice system. Be specific, i.e. do more than say we need justice. Remember that for full points you need to use concepts from the textbook and explain them/define them before using them, as part of your post

Eyewitness testimony is notorious for being problematic. Here are just a few reasons why: Studies in psychology show how our memory is not as exact as we imagine. How people interview us, or ask us questions, can shape how we perceive things. “In some early studies Loftus showed that (mis) leading questions can cause witnesses to falsely remember seeing a yield rather than a stop sign,…broken glass, tape recorders or wounded animals that were not present, incorrect colors of objects, curly rather than straight hair and Minnie Mouse then they actually saw Mickey.” Conversations with other witnesses may alter our memories and affect how confident we feel in a memory. It is possible for suggestions to lead to false memories; I am thinking of studies where participants are asked to remember false memories of their past, such as being lost in a mall. “On average, 31% of participants develop false memories of the suggested event.” Even our repeated attempts to retrieve our memories can potentially lead to inaccuracies.
You have probably heard about the Innocence Project. This group helps get prisoners released who have been wrongly convicted. They use DNA testing to prove that these prisoners are innocent.

More recently you may have heard people talking about the social issue of restoring voting rights to felons.
Also check out this video for more about the issue from the perspective of someone who has lived it. As you listen, consider how stigma continues to impact people even after they have served their time.

Sources for the quotes above: Toglia, Michael P., J. Don Read, David F. Ross, and R.C.L. Lindsay. 2012. Handbook of Eyewitness Psychology: Volume 1. New York: Routledge.

discussion 2
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making headlines. For instance, artists have debated whether AI unfairly utilizes their work without permission. Teachers are watching ChatGPT affect education.
On this board, first ask ChatGPT a question or give it a task. https://openai.com/blog/chatgptLinks to an external site.
Document what it told you and then discuss how it went. As you do so, relate your ideas to material from the book, making sure to explain and cite this material.

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