Write a paper that addresses “How does the implementation of a universal basic income impact economic inequality, labour market dynamics, and social welfare outcomes in diverse socio-economic contexts?”

The field is labor studeis and social policy
i need an expert to suggest a topic for the thesis and write a mini proposal to show it to my prof.
important to need quantitave method type of research instead of qualitatve one ,which is
going to be very
complicated using an expert… so it’s very important
to look at this point
the topic on my mind is general and i need it to be more narrowed down: Universal basic income ….
want an expert who will talk to me and suggest maybe better ideas before initiating
the work ,it’s important to know that its a master thesis proposal and
the thesis is going to be the same topic
if any guidline is availabe soon i will upload it here .
NOTE: if the expert finds a good topic for this mini proposal, then he/she will be chosen to work on the
whole thesis later.

suggestions i thought about : (you don’t need to choose one of them but you can have an inspiration , as long as what you come up with won’t need conducting interviews or any complicated qualitative
methods) please feel free to suggest a good topic with good sources.

Topic 1: “Gender Equality in Social Policy: Assessing the Impact of Parental Leave Policies on Women’s Labor Market Participation”
This thesis examines the role of parental leave policies in promoting gender equality in the labor market. Parental leave policies aim to support working parents, facilitate work-family balance, and promote women’s participation in the workforce. However, the effectiveness of these policies in achieving gender equality goals varies across countries and contexts. This study employs a comparative analysis to assess the impact of different parental leave models on women’s labor market participation, employment trajectories, and earnings outcomes. It explores how variations in leave duration, benefit levels, eligibility criteria, and flexibility provisions influence women’s decisions regarding work and family responsibilities. By analyzing empirical data, policy evaluations, and qualitative insights, this research aims to identify effective strategies for designing and implementing parental leave policies that contribute to gender equality and social inclusion.

“How does the implementation of a universal basic income impact economic inequality, labor market dynamics, and social welfare outcomes in diverse socio-economic contexts?”

This research question encompasses the multifaceted nature of UBI and allows for exploration into its various dimensions, including its effects on income distribution, employment patterns, poverty alleviation, and social cohesion. It encourages a comparative analysis across different countries or regions to examine how contextual factors shape the outcomes of UBI policies. Additionally, it provides scope for considering both quantitative data analysis and qualitative insights to provide a comprehensive understanding of the potential implications and challenges associated with UBI implementation.

Note2: offcourse the expert should search for a literature for this topic and many sources , so pelase look for
a topic that has a lot of resources.

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