What were the effects of the ethical breach in terms of their reputation and profitability?

1. Recall a recent news story related to unethical behavior by a company. What were the effects of the ethical breach in terms of their reputation and profitability?
2. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each of the three ethical decision-making approaches (utilitarian, rights, and justice). Is one of the three more appealing to you than the other two? Why or why not?
3. Assume you found your dream job working for a company for which you have always wanted to work. Once you start, you find everyone works a lot of overtime and weekends. Do you think it is ethical for you to be expected to sacrifice your personal life in favor of working long hours and weekends? Why or why not?
Dream job – Amazon accountant

4. Do you believe someone can be trained to be more ethical? Why or why not?

Your overall document will be at least 7 pages total, inclusive of cover page and reference page. Your essay will be automatically submitted to TurnItIn so it can be checked for originality.
While essay questions may be reflective in nature and equally may invoke your personal viewpoint, ensure that you utilize at least (4) references throughout your submission to support your viewpoint and/or position.

You must use level 1 and level 2 headings to organize your paper.

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