Describe the particular event (e.g., size of hurricane and conditions permitting formation, size of earthquake and conditions permitting formation, size of meteorite! and where it came from, etc.).

Paper specifications:

At least 3.5 pages (not counting references or title page).
double spaced, 12-point font, between 3.5 to 5 pages (half a page below or over will result in a deduction of points)
– An additional title page with your name, section & the paper title

– An additional reference page with

– At least 3 peer-reviewed sources.

– At least 2 additional high-quality sources (these CAN be peer reviewed but can also be non peer reviewed, including articles in popular science magazines, newspaper articles, thesis dissertations and reputable websites).

– Cite as indicated on ICON in the Reference quick guide!

-Use Geology Formatting

Textbooks, Wikipedia, blogs, and conference abstracts are not acceptable references. These should not be used at all (not even in addition to your peer-reviewed sources). You CAN use news articles, popular science articles, etc. in addition to your peer-reviewed sources. If you are not certain whether a source is peer-reviewed or not or whether or not it is generally acceptable, check with either your TA or a science librarian. We will be checking for Wikipedia plagiarism.

Paper description:

The goal of this paper is for you to describe the geological factors as well as the human choices that interacted to produce a particular natural disaster. You should discuss the scientific background for your particular disaster (geologic setting, atmospheric conditions, etc.) as well as the setting in terms of the impacted community. Discuss the large-scale impacts of this disaster (what happened?).

You should also provide a critique of the disaster: on a scale of 1 to 10, how well prepared were we for this particular disaster? Were there mitigation techniques in place that helped prevent property loss, injury, or loss of life? You should also provide a recommendation of what we could do to prevent or reduce the costs associated with future disasters of this nature at this location. You need to explicitly justify your ranking and explain your reasoning.

The body of your paper should be broken into multiple distinctive sections -use the guidelines below to structure your paper and include these as section titles.

Background– what is the setting (natural/geological environment and societal, in terms of preparation and familiarity with this type of hazard)?
Event: Describe the particular event (e.g., size of hurricane and conditions permitting formation, size of earthquake and conditions permitting formation, size of meteorite! and where it came from, etc.). When did it happen? How bad was it? How long did it last?
Impacts/Effects: what happened, and to whom? How did people respond?
Assessment of mitigation. This is where we want a score of 1-10. Were people prepared? How could they have been better prepared? This should include your assessment of what future work could or should be done to further enhance our understanding of this type of disaster, or what future actions might help with future events. This is the most important part of your paper and should be the longest part. We want your ideas and thoughts to come through clearly here.

Conclusions: this should be a brief summary that wraps everything up.

The paper should be concise and to-the-point. You are writing the equivalent of three to four pages which means you do not have much room to say what needs to be said, and every word counts.

Scientific sources are available through several search engines: Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, or Georef, all available on the Geoscience Library home page ( (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.). Do not use InfoHawk unless you are specifically searching the University of Iowa library for books.

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