What are your views related to women and leisure? Women and recreation? Women and play?

Hello, here are the initial intructions I submitted for the paper…. “You are participating in a cross-gendered leisure experience and your goal is to interview diverse individuals and how they relate to women in leisure. Your goal is to analyze and report on your understanding and experience as related to our course teachings so far. Using the ESSAY format, your goal is to collect views and review and analyze diverse perspectives related to WOMEN IN LEISURE.

You will interview FIVE (5) people from various groups and cultures – this includes age, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, race, culture, etc. Of the five (5) individuals, please make sure that they are:

-1 woman over 65
-1 child 8 or younger (if you do not know someone you may use an online source)
-1 male
-1 person of your own choosing
-1 diverse group (age, sexual orientation, religion, social economic status, race, etc, etc.)
Additionally, your paper should discuss
1) how leisure changes over the lifespan and
2) how it compares with the course learning objectives, other items read so far in class.

Before posting on the Discussion Board, please make sure your ESSAY details include interviews written in your own voice, strong conclusion paragraph that wraps everything up, and works cited list. Please comment on two other posts and use the essay rubric and 7 C’s of Communication for credit. Remember, NO attachments for written portion(s).

POSSIBLE RESEARCH QUESTIONS – MUST be related to women in leisure (and you may include your own questions too):

1. What are your views related to women and leisure? Women and recreation? Women and play?

2. What do you do for leisure? How do you spend your free time? Think about what you do at home, work, socially.

3. Do you do these things because it is what you were taught? Or because you are a girl/woman? Other reason(s)?

4. Please give details on how societal views have changed for women over time: Think of the MeToo movement, racial justice, results of the climate change or other social/world issues.

5. What would you do different OR the same (make sure you relate what you hear to what you have learned in class so far).

6. Anything else that you would like to add? (Remember, strong conclusion=more points).”
I read the paper that the writer put together and I thought It didn’t specify the specific interviews but it was fine. Today, my instructor kicked it back as the paper is “incomplete” because it doesn’t have specific interviews with different individuals like the instructions say.

Please revise the paper and let me know if it can be retyped in a way that meets the instructor’s criteria.
I can also submit an example of what another student did and the intructor is using as an example. The paper does not have to be as long as the example is, two pages is all that is required.

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