Western civilization

This examination consists of one essay question and twenty-five multiple choice and or fill in the blank questions. The object of the examination is to test both your possession of precise information, your understanding of historical concepts, and to see if you can express your understanding in clear English prose. It will be your responsibility to answer the essay question with both factual details and historical insights. Your answer should include information which you have gathered from both the text and the lectures. Generalizations should be supported by specifics. Correct spelling is essential in expressing your grasp of the subject matter. This is an open book test you will be allowed to use your notes and book.

What to write about :

At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the philosophes could justifiably look to the future with optimism. By the end of the century, the future course of western civilization seemed far less certain. What happened during the century which challenged the philosophes’ visions? Include in your discussion the Enlightenment, the Old Regime, the French Revolution, Napoleon, Romanticism, and the Industrial Revolution.

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