Responsibility and Punishment in Sophocles’ drama, Oedipus the King

Fate and free will take center stage in Sophocles’ drama, Oedipus the King. Oedipus is presented with a prophecy because of his father’s misdeeds. But, while Oedipus was grossly mistreated in his childhood, where does his responsibility lie with his decisions to pursue the people’s request to find the murderer of King Lais and all his choices leading up to it? Is he morally innocent? Or was Oedipus’s downfall justified? How does hubris play into the development of the play and its protagonist? Is hamartia to blame?

– requires a works cited
– use the 5 sources provided at least once (not including the book which also needs to be used)
– no limitation to how many quotes can be used and they can be in-text citations or paraphrased
– use 12th grade vocabulary and writing level
– follow mla rules
– no ai (the paper will be put through an ai detector)
– each paragraph must be 8-10 sentences
– research paper will follow the format of introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and conclusion paragraph
– each paragraph must use an outside source

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