why do people abuse substances??

The body of your essay must be at least 2 full pages, and a Works Cited page is required as well. The Works Cited page does NOT count toward the page count of your paper!
Even if you can write 2-4 pages about your topic without doing additional research, this is a documented essay, and research is required! You must include at least three documented items from at least three different sources. At least two of these sources must be non-internet sources. (Items from EBSCO do not count as internet sources; they were originally in print and are simply accessed via an online database.)
Remember that no Internet sources are required. If you use them, do so with caution. Remember that published items have usually been edited or peer-reviewed for accuracy. If you simply google your topic, you could find unreliable information. For instance, I could post a web page about nuclear physics that sounds authoritative, but I know nothing about this topic. Remember that the URL ending often gives a clue about the type of website you’re viewing: .edu means it was created by a college or university (probably trustworthy); .com means it is a commercial site, and the purpose is to sell you something (probably less reliable because the info isn’t as objective.); etc.
Do not use an encyclopedia (including Wikipedia) as a primary research source. When you are in college, an encyclopedia can provide background info as you get started, but it is not considered a scholarly source for research. You may use articles from CredoReference, Opposing Viewpoints Online, etc.
No more than 15% of your essay should be directly quoted material.
Please take a moment right now and review Ch. 51 “Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing” These ideas will help you know when to directly quote a source, when to paraphrase, and when to summarize.
You don’t need to cite general or common knowledge. According to author Bruce Ballenger, “Basically, common knowledge means facts that are widely known and about which there can be no controversy.” He also notes that you must cite the following sources in your paper:
Whenever you quote from an original source
Whenever you borrow ideas from an original source, even when you express them in your own words by paraphrasing or summarizing
Whenever you borrow factual information from a source that is not common knowledge).

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