Discuss the “pre-modern” age; 2. the “modern” age; and 3. the “post-modern” age.

Stephen Hicks, Ph.D, is our resident philosopher-historian extraordinaire! More specifically, in his short video clips, Dr. Hicks explains the three time-eras into which all of world history can be divided: 1. the “pre-modern” age; 2. the “modern” age; and 3. the “post-modern” age.
I’m sure you’ve either heard of or used these specific terms in your life at some point already. If not, no worries! Dr. Hicks will get you up to speed in his short sequential videos. Be sure to watch them in the order listed below; otherwise you will be confused (this is NOT the order in which they appear in the Canvas Media Gallery). Note: The total number of minutes required to see all 9 clips is just under 1 hour.
“What Modernism Is” – Clip 1 (5:32); Clip 2 (7:40)
“The Enlightenment Vision” Clip 1 (8:18); Clip 2 (6:00); Clip 3 (5:06)
“Postmodern Philosophy: Introduction” (3:14) + “Postmodernism’s Themes” Clip 1 (7:57), Clip 2 (7:06), Clip 3 (7:33)
Have an intellectual and thoroughly detailed discussion with Dr. Stephen Hicks about the characteristics he observes of the three time eras described in his video clips on pre-modernism, modernism, and post-modernism.
As you watch and listen closely to what Dr. Hicks says, quite objectively I might add, about the characteristics of the three time eras, let this IA assignment be a critical discussion with him about your understanding of these characteristics and the opinions you have about the three eras based upon the characteristics he describes about them.
Be sure to address all three of these time eras, and be sure to be very specific in your references to the specific time eras and specific characteristics of each era. Use specific examples to make your points and be CRITICAL, which means something very different than merely restating what Hicks says.

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