Using the Academic Search Complete Database, look for an article that relates to poverty in a group you identify with (for example, person of color, immigrant, first generation college student, young mother, from a specific state, non-binary, single parent family, parolee, etc.).

you are going to look for an article about poverty and people like you.
Go hereLinks to an external site. and click on “Academic Search Complete”. You will need to log in to the library’s website.

Using the Academic Search Complete Database, look for an article that relates to poverty in a group you identify with (for example, person of color, immigrant, first generation college student, young mother, from a specific state, non-binary, single parent family, parolee, etc.).

Submit the title, author, year, and name of the Journal to this assignment. Take the article you found from the Academic Search Complete Database and write a summary at least a paragraph long. Include at least one APA formatted direct quote and at least one APA formatted paraphrase.

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