Drawing from AT LEAST 3 of our authors, clarify what sorts of roles science and/or scientists play in policymaking, and what you see as the most appropriate such role.

Use course material explicitly and deliberately to frame your discussion (though you are always welcome to bring in other sources as well);
Ensure that your OWN perspectives on the matter come through clearly;
Build an argument rather than simply summarizing or reviewing relevant course material;
Address the question that is asked rather than the one that you prefer to answer.
All work must be your own; this is not a collaborative essay. You may use bibliographic databases to confirm sources, but you should not be doing any new or original research to answer the prompt.
Many of our readings so far in the course have explored big questions about the relationship of science to “the state”. That is, they explore histories, theories, and contemporary practices of the ways in which formal government and scientific knowledge and institutions interact, for better or for worse.

Drawing from AT LEAST 3 of our authors, clarify what sorts of roles science and/or scientists play in policymaking, and what you see as the most appropriate such role. Ensure that you are specific about what type of policymaking and what types of institutions you are considering. So, you should include citations in your text that refer to a special context. But, you SHOULD NOT summarize those texts only, you MUST build a completely new argument based on your own understanding and perspective and describe it which is not previously mentioned in any of these articles.

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