Ethics and the Death Penalty-What principles and views of human life are inherent in your chosen ethical theory?

The Death Penalty
In a similar fashion as last week, you’ll be visiting a popular website called While this website is by no means scholarly, it’s a popular resource where many people go to understand different issues. As a reminder, this discussion board’s purpose is twofold: For one, we want to think about the topic of the death penalty. Secondly, we also want to get better at thinking critically when we interact with popular internet sources. For starters, follow these two steps:
Read the Top 10 Pro & Con ArgumentsLinks to an external site. from the article “Should the Death Penalty Be Legal?”
Read through the ten subject headings (e.g., Legality, Innocence, Morality, etc.) and their accompanying content to get a firm grasp on the pro and con views concerning capital punishment.
For Your Initial Post Please respond to all of the following questions with three separate paragraphs:
What view in favor of the death penalty did you find most convincing and why? Explain your reasoning. Make sure you refer to a specific section and reference the content (e.g., Legality)
What view in opposition to the death penalty did you find most convincing and why? Explain your reasoning. Make sure you refer to a specific section and reference the content (e.g., Morality)
Choose an ethical theory from our previous weeks and explain how you believe that theory views the issue of the death penalty.
For example, would a deontologist’s perspective be in favor or opposition? Why? What principles and views of human life are inherent in your chosen ethical theory?

Responding to Your Peers
Engage with your peer’s analysis of how a chosen ethical theory views the issue of the death penalty. Discuss whether you find their interpretation of the ethical theory convincing or if you have an alternative viewpoint based on the theory. Share any insights or additional information that influenced your perspective on the pro and con arguments they discussed.

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