Discuss the relationship between, nature, philosophy (science), and social class in Blazing World.

Essay Prompts
Please keep in mind that these are prompts and not direct questions. They are designed to get you thinking about analytical questions and ideas. Feel free to interpret them as broadly as you like
please develop an appropriate thesis question and/or problem to be solved with an argumentative thesis

please come up with unknown theories or interpretations. pick one
1. Discuss the relationship between, nature, philosophy (science), and social class in Blazing World.
2. Many scholars disagree on whether Margaret Cavendish should be considered “feminist”. Make a case for or against reading Blazing World through this lens. (Be mindful, “feminism” is a fluid category that means different things to different people, so you’ll have to define your terms.)
3. Discuss the strange morality of Aladdin.
4. Discuss themes of family in Aladdin.
5. “Saturday: The Smallpox” by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu is a lament of a young woman losing her beauty, but it is also a trenchant social critique. Discuss the poem’s social politics.
6. Analyze the rhetoric of one or more of Montagu’s letters.
7. Analyze the rhetoric of Equiano’s Interesting Life.
8. Discuss morality in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
9. Consider what Jack learns when he learns “the importance of being Earnest.”
10. Discuss the ethical relationship between politics and writing in “Politics and the English Language.”
11. “Shooting an Elephant” is a politically progressive essay insofar as it’s anti-imperial, but Orwell’s depictions of the Burmese people can be read as borderline racist. Discuss this apparent disconnect.
12. Using one or more chapters from The Common Reader discuss Woolf’s modern theories of reading and/or writing
13. Slaughterhouse Five adopts a light, almost frivolous, tone to discuss the horrors of war. Consider this apparent disconnect.
14. Discuss themes of family in Medicine River.
15. Discuss basketball in Medicine River.
16. Discuss conceptions of home in one or more stories from Interpreter of Maladies.
17. Discuss childhood in one or more stories from Interpreter of Maladies.

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