What attributes in the rubric show you that the curriculum is HQ, or has a gap?

After completing the learning activities, please
In the Discussion Board, attach the rubric and respond to the following two prompts:
After adding the priority standard and the secondary standard, describe how the alignment to the standards support you in making appropriate and accurate instructional decisions to meet the needs of your students.
How does the standard support the building of your practice?
How does it connect to the subject matter and the content?
Provide a rationale for your response using evidence from any of the resources or additional materials you have access to in the course.
Highlight in the curriculum where there are recommendations for special education, English as a New Language (ENL) learners, and gifted and talented.
How was it referenced?
Is this enough or was it not referenced?

How would you ensure that these students have equity and access?
What attributes in the rubric show you that the curriculum is HQ, or has a gap?
Using the rubric, determine strengths and gaps of curriculum
After analyzing the curriculum, what evidence do you have that indicates if the curriculum is effective or high quality?

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