What are the principal points or arguments by which Kass establishes his thesis?

Read Leon Kass’ “The End of Medicine and the Pursuit of Health,” in Toward a More Natural Science, 157-186.

In essay form, between 500-700 words, please upload a document responding to all of the following:

(1) What is Kass’ thesis?
(2) What are the principal points or arguments by which Kass establishes his thesis?
(3) What is Kass’ definition of medicine?
(4) What is Kass’ definition of health?
(5) Based on the assigned reading, what is the relation between health and medicine?
(6) Based on the assigned reading, what is the relation between health, medicine, and the human person?
(7) Based on the assigned reading, are humans ordered toward something more than health? If so, what is it?

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