How do the readings compare in terms of their ability to make and support their respective claims.


In this essay, you will identify and compare course themes on the
meanings, conceptualizations and theoretical frameworks used to understand children, childhood and youth.
We have also read about research practices that center children, their experiences and the meanings they make
of their social contexts and the larger world. And we are beginning a much longer conversation into the various
ways the norms of social institutions shape and are shaped by children and youth, specifically through class, race, families, and peer cultures.

To this end, in this paper you will provide a critical reflection that touches on these areas. How do intersectionalities of inequality inform the dominant discourse of children and their varied experiences? How specifically do poverty race and class intersect, and how do children’s understanding of those constructs create a child’s milieau (social environment) Expound upon how these experiences might maintain and reinforce societal inequities. Ensure that your paper covers important concepts, theories and perspectives from the
readings. In other words, provide a discussion of those concepts, arguments, theories and perspectives across weeks that puts these readings in conversation with one another. When comparing and contrasting, one usually follows one of two basic organizational schemes: (1)
discuss each topic separately, covering all the pertinent features of the one and then the other or (2) discuss the
topics side by side, comparing them feature for feature. Both topics would be examined under each comparable
feature, and the specific features can be arranged in any order that achieves the desired emphasis.

Words or phrases you may wish to use in a comparative essay:

In the same way

Even though

Use the following groups of QUESTIONS to think about the readings. You do not need to address these
questions directly in your essay; they will help you direct your thinking and lead you to a thesis around
which you will organize your essay.

1. What are the important or noteworthy aspects of course readings and themes? What are the connections between them?

2. What topics do the readings have in common? Topic is the general heading such as “attitudes of
society about women” or “the use of political power.”

3. How are the authors different in their thoughts and approaches to these topics? How are they

4. How do the authors present their ideas on these topics? Similar or dissimilar? How? Why?

5. What will be gained by comparing and contrasting course readings and themes? What will you
help the reader understand about the first five weeks of the semester?

6. How do the readings compare in terms of their ability to make and support their respective claims.

1. Include a catchy title that will entice your reader.
2. State the readings, authors and ideas that you are considering, and make it interesting to draw
the reader into your essay.
3. Briefly highlight the principal ground of comparison and contrast (such as the course themes/readings you choose to write about treat a common topic, exhibit a similar idea, use a similar form, develop a similar attitude as well as the areas in which they contrast).

4. Give a thesis statement summarizing the main point that you are making about course readings and themes. For this type of essay to work, you must find a common denominator as a point of departure for the entire paper. (Underline your thesis statement)

Imagine that a new student started class in Week 8, and it was your job to summarize the first eight weeks of the semester to them to bring them up to speed on course readings and themes. Your goal should be to give that person insight into course content, and the essay should be organized around
particular readings/themes, controversies, etc. Part of the goal of this assignment is to show your
evolving understanding, so be explicit about what new knowledge you gained, the ideas proposed by respective authors you read.

You may wish to do one or more of the following in your conclusion:
1. Reflect on other ideas in the readings.
2. Make observations about similar qualities of both works.
3. Stress a point that you feel is particularly important.
4. Explain why you feel that the readings/themes you chose are important to highlight.

I will grade your essay based on the following CRITERIA:
1. Strong thesis statement
2. Strength of the summary and comparative analyses of course readings and themes
3. Organization of the essay
4. Proper spelling and grammar
5. Compliance with formatting

Format Guidelines:
1. Must use at least 5 course readings in your paper.
2. 5 to 6 pages in length, double spaced. This does not include your Bibliography page.
3. 12 pt. Times New Roman font (or similar sized, legible font like Calibri size 11pt).
4. 1” left and right margins, 1” header and footer
5. Use APA style guide for in-text citations.
6. Include a Bibliography of readings included
8. Put your name in the Header.

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