Memoir essay multimedia

Your task is to transform (remediate) your memoir OR subculture essay into an interactive website format—i.e. pages that use hyperlinks, video, audio, graphics, and text. Be creative and have fun.

Note that you are not simply placing your essay on a webpage. You are creating a website (series of multimedia pages) that has the same purpose as your essay did. Additionally, this is not just a case of cutting and pasting, or pulling the first visual/video/audio elements you encounter.

Just as you did with the ideas, words, paragraphs, sources, subtopics, focus, etc. of your essays, you want to be deliberate in what you include on your site (why this instead of that?) and how you include it (the way you put these elements together, and the way that the pages work together).

Genre Conventions & Tips:
Visual Interest
Ease of Use/Navigation
Mix of written text and graphics

Use of topic from either memoir or profile
A website theme/layout
At least 3 separate pages including a home/intro page
An “About” page or section on homepage (about you personally or professionally, why you became interested in the topic, the purpose of the site, etc)
A few links to outside sources and other media (video, images, etc)
Programs/Other Resources:

You will use Weebly or Wix—both are free for website creation that are easy to learn and flexible. They allow you to drag and drop a range of elements, start with templates but customize almost all aspects of them, and even choose your URL name. You should be customizing a template—do not simply use everything that is the default.

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