Are there things about yourself you would like to change and if so what are they and why would you change them?

What are you looking for in a self-analysis?
Questions to be answered in the analysis include;
Who are you? (Think of personality traits that describe you such as shy, outgoing, loyal, and responsible) Kind, caring, compassionate, loyal, independent, hardworking, responsible, free spirit, loud, like a toddler in an adult body, untrusting.
What makes you who you are? (Include environmental, cultural, social, and genetic factors such as the way you were raised, divorces you have experienced, trauma in your life, your faith, traditions in your family.) My parents divorced when I was a toddler, my parents were around but not active in my life, my grandparents and extended family helped raise me when I was younger, but I started to get older I become more independent and self-sufficient as I grew up never really depending on anyone for anything. I have learned to lean to God for trust and guidance in becoming a better person. My aunt Cassandra has inspired me to be a better
person. I was against going to church for a long time because my mom always went, and she still chose to live her life chaotically constantly making poor decisions with nothing to show for her life except my sister and I. Until recently when my life started to spin out of control, that’s when I decided to give church and God a try.

Are there things about yourself you would like to change and if so what are they and why would you change them? I would like to be able to trust more people but it has never worked out for me in the past, you can’t rely on others or trust what they say because I have been let down and lied to by my family most of my life.
And where do you see your future taking you? In five years I would like to have my degree, a job in my field with a steady, stable income; working on owning my own home, and possibly in a strong, stable relationship with an honest, hardworking, loyal, loving, god fearing man.

What are the requirements for the self-analysis paper? The self-analysis should be a 5 page report not including a cover page, typed and double spaced, 1” margins and12 font in Times New Roman. Since this is a
personal essay you do not need to use any specific format such as MLA or APA. Please pay attention to your spelling, punctuation
and grammar as I will deduct points for these mistakes. How much of my grade is
the self-analysis? Self-analysis counts for 25% of your grade.
How should this paper be structured when I write it?

Begin with a paragraph introducing yourself and your paper.
***The main body of your paper
should consist of multiple paragraphs. Each paragraph should begin by
describing yourself using descriptive adjectives and/or words that
describe your personality. (I am shy…I am a diabetic, I am outgoing…I am a
recovering alcoholic…etc…) After stating the word/words that describe you
then state why you think you are that way or where you think that specific
trait comes from such as family, environment, culture, situations,
experiences, etc… Is it a trait that you feel was passed down genetically
or do you feel that the way you were raised played a part? Is there a
person that influenced you to have this trait and if so tell me how they
influenced you by giving examples? Do you feel that your environment
played a role in how you developed these traits such as being raised in an
abusive home, being raised in a religious home, moving many times, etc. I
do not want to read two pages on “Uncle Bob” but if he influenced you it’s
ok to tell me who he is but then concentrate on how he influenced you and
who you have become because of his influence. This paper is not about a
life story but an analysis of who you are.
At the end of your paper you will need a paragraph stating anything you might want to change about yourself.
The last paragraph of your paper should be a paragraph stating your future goals.
How Will My
Grade Be Assigned?
Who are you? – Up to 40 points
What makes you who you are? – Up to 40 points
Anything you would change about yourself and why? – Up to 5 points
Where is your future taking you?
– Up to 5 points
Overall page requirements
(includes following suggested paper structure, grammar, punctuation and spelling) – Up to 10 points

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