Define the term conflict. Do not simply copy a definition from a source! What does conflict mean to you?

Suppose you have been asked to write an article on interpersonal conflict for a local organization with which you are affiliated. You may choose any type of interpersonal conflict, such as between spouses, among family members, between members of a social group, or other, but your focus must be interpersonal conflict.

Define the term conflict. Do not simply copy a definition from a source!
What does conflict mean to you?
How does that compare with how others define conflict?
Describe communication behaviors that can lead to conflict.
Explain how communication behaviors affect interpersonal relationships. Be sure to consider communication behaviors in a variety of situations.
Explain how differences in gender, age, culture, race, and so on can contribute to interpersonal conflict.
Recommend at least one strategy that can be used to resolve interpersonal conflict.
Because this is an article for publication, format your assessment following APA guideline

Submit 2–3 typed, double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages.
Use 12-point, Times New Roman font.
Include a title page and reference page.
Cite at least two current scholarly or professional resources.

Apply theoretical perspectives on conflict.
Define conflict.
Describe communication behaviors that can lead to conflict.
Apply appropriate strategies to reduce or resolve conflicts.
Recommend a strategy to resolve interpersonal conflict.
Analyze the impact of conflict on relationship building in face-to-face, virtual, cyber, and group
Explain how communication behaviors affect interpersonal relationships.
Explain how individual differences contribute to interpersonal conflict.
Communicate effectively in a variety of formats.
Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate APA format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

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