Discuss how you could develop new questions or research to build upon the ideas from each theorist on this phenomenon.

“Using Theory” Journal Submissions
For each of the two Portfolio submissions, you will complete 5 separate journal, for a total of 10 separate journal submissions for the semester. From the following 4 prompts, you must complete at least one of each prompt, and no more than 3 of any one prompt. The specific theorist must have been covered in the course prior to the date of submission, the theoretical ideas you are using must have been covered in the course prior to the date of submission. Your sources re: theory should only be those used in the course.
Detailed Prompts
1. Applying a Theorist to the events of a current specific day in your life
Using the ideas from a specific theorist, first concisely elaborate the core ideas and explanations of that theorist. Then concisely detail the specific events of a current day in your life. In other words, treat a single day as “participant observation” data collection. This should not be a day in the past, nor should you think of how to “average” out your days. For example, you are using tomorrow as your period of ”data collection,” regardless of whether something interesting happened or not. Next, use the ideas from the theorist you elaborated previously to discuss how you understand and can explain the events of this day through the lens of those theoretical ideas. Finally, offer some critical thoughts on that theoretical application.
2. Applying a Theorist to a current event of interest in the news
Using the ideas from a specific theorist, first concisely elaborate the core ideas and explanations of that theorist. Then concisely detail the current news event you have chosen. Source this information from reputable journalism outlets. The event should have occurred within the previous few months to the present, and should be newsworthy. Next, use the ideas from the theorist you elaborated previously to discuss how you understand and can explain this particular event and its coverage. Finally, offer some critical thoughts on that theoretical application.
3. Applying a Theorist to a current piece of Pop Culture
Using the ideas from a specific theorist, first concisely elaborate the core ideas and explanations of that theorist. Then concisely discuss the piece of fiction current/recent pop culture (album, film, TV series, book). This should include concise discussion of the creatives behind it, overall plot & character discussion (as applicable), key conflicts represented, and overall cultural impact (popularity, awards, chart position, etc.). Focus on recent pop culture to capture ongoing application of the theoretical ideas. Next, use the ideas from the theorist you elaborated previously to discuss how you can apply those ideas to the creation, symbolism, and artistic expression of the art under review. Finally, offer some critical thoughts on that theoretical application.
4. Exploring a theoretical debate surrounding a specific social phenomenon.
Using the ideas from at least two separate theorists who are discussing similar social dynamics, first concisely elaborate the core ideas and explanations of both theorists. Discuss specifically their contributions regarding this social phenomenon. Discuss recent ideas and public discussions around this social phenomenon. Discuss points of agreement & disagreement among. the theorists. Discuss which of the theorist’s ideas are more compelling, more applicable, and why. Discuss how you could develop new questions or research to build upon the ideas from each theorist on this phenomenon.
Submission & Formatting Guidelines

Each individual journal must be no fewer than 2 full pages, single-spaced. For each portfolio, submit 5 separate 2 page journals.
Use 12pt Times New Roman font. All margins must be a maximum of 1”.
Page numbers & headers are not required.
Identify which Prompt & which # this submission involves (eg, “Current Event 2,” “Day in the Life 3,” etc.)
The only citations accepted will be the theoretical sources themselves (as read for class) and specific to journalism or the pieces of culture themselves. Secondary sources re: theory will not be accepted. (ASA References Style guide )

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