prompt: Kierkegaard’s Don Juan, Sartre in the park, Simmel’s blasé attitude and Debo spectacle: how the gaze (look) moulds our social life.

Prepare a Power Point presentation (5 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A), in which you must settle an argument on base of the philosophers’ stances. You must refer to ALL the philosophers mentioned in parentheses. Suggestions: give it a nice title, make your argument clear. Analyse quotes and references as deeply as possible. Make a clear conclusion.

only sources to use:
Soren Kierkegaard, Journal of a Seducer (Either-Or, in A Kierkegaard Anthology). pp. 48-52; 55-59; 64-66; 72-73 pp.97-108
Georg Simmel, On the Stranger pp. 601-605
Georg Simmel, The Metropolis and Mental Life On Individuality

J.P. Sartre, From Being and Nothingness: The Look, pp.220-221; Freedom and Responsibility, pp. 424-426. From Existentialism is a Humanism, pp. 31-37. (in Essays in Existentialism)
Guy Debord, Society of Spectacle Ch.I.

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