Racial ideology in the us during the cold war.-How did racial ideology shape how US officials exercised power at home and abroad during the Cold War?

This assignment is an opportunity to elaborate a serious historical argument with multiple sources. Your essay should open with an argumentative thesis. The writing should be clear and grammatical. And the essay should engage class readings and lecture materials from at least two weeks, drawing relevant connections and backing arguments with concrete evidence.
Rather than accumulating outside sources, you should focus on demonstrating thoughtful engagement with class texts, lectures, and discussions. You should anchor your arguments in concrete evidence from these materials: specific events, historical actors, and case studies; lecture slides and notes; book quotations, etc. If you conduct outside research, please use respectable sources and duly cite them.
You can use scholarly sources as well but please implement the class readings and powerpoints attatched
How did racial ideology shape how US officials exercised power at home and abroad during the Cold War? In particular, how did the process of militarization and racial inequality affect one another? And what strategies did people of color adopt to challenge racist violence?

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