Write a research paper providing further details on What symptoms do female Pcod patients experience?

Write a research paper providing further details on What symptoms do female Pcod patients experience?For this assignment, you will revise a small section of the article “Plastic Pollution Solutions: Emerging Technologies to Prevent and Collect Marine Plastic Pollution” so that it is accessible to a diverse audience who may be unfamiliar with scientific language. You will write this to the same audience for the Plastic-Free Great Lakes Campaign–residents, business owners, and consumers in coastal Ohio and the Great Lakes region. (The in-text citations have been removed from the excerpt below for convenience, but can be found in the linked article above.)
The chemical impacts of ingested microplastics and macroplastics are also a growing concern…Plastics may serve as efficient delivery systems of toxic pollutants, like plastic additives from the manufacturing process (e.g., heavy metals, plasticizers) or chemicals that have adsorbed to plastic from the surrounding environment (e.g., heavy metals)… For example, some microplastics have been shown to contain additives that are known reproductive toxins, carcinogens, and mutagens… These chemicals may bioaccumulate up the food chain through ingestion at multiple trophic levels, and the implications for food webs are not yet fully understood… Plastic additive leaching has been shown in studies on barnacles, anemones, and Japanese medaka, along with an avian physiologically-based model… This is a potential human health hazard, because humans consume an estimated 39,000 to 52,000 microplastic particles per year from food and beverages alone… As plastics enter the human food chain, they carry additives from the manufacturing process, chemicals adsorbed to the plastics, and pathogens or parasites that may be on the plastics… However, despite this, most countries continue to classify plastics as harmless solid waste…
Redevelop the text above in plain language so that it is at a 7th-grade reading level or below, which you can check by running your text through the Automatic Readability Checker . Note that this is a transformation, not simply a surface-level revision. This text includes a lot of scientific and technical language; the goal is simply to communicate the gestalt, the gist, of the message so that OSGSL audiences understand the dangers of plastic pollution on human and marine health.
Once you have completed the revision, provide a 150-200 word summary of your thoughts going through this process as well as your reflections on how this relates to our class discussions on ethics and communication.
Here are some tips for approaching the revision process.
Actions for Rewriting Questions for Revision
Go through and mark specialty, niche, or inaccessible language.
Consider what is repeated & what is fluff to take out
Mark the claim/lead information
Mark any items that can be enumerated in list form
Is the purpose of your document clear?
Is it clear who the intended reader is?
Is the information concise?
Is every word and sentence of your document easily understandable by an average reader?
Are the language and tone appropriate for the purpose?
Is the information well-organized?

Is the information designed to be inviting to the reader?
Has the document been edited for errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics, etc.?

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