Define privacy. Discuss the social values associated with privacy and how the Privacy Paradox relates to these values.

Complete the two following questions. Write about 1,000
words (four pages, double spaced) for each question.
Answer each of the sections and post your response as a Word or pdf document .If you quote text, and I encourage this, use
appropriate citations and references (MLA or APA is acceptable).

Define privacy. Discuss the social values associated with privacy and
how the Privacy Paradox relates to these values. Using examples,
evaluate the differences between the European legal approach to internet
privacy and the legal approach of the United States. Read the following
article from Forbes Magazine
about 2021 changes to the Apple operating system related to privacy.
Evaluate the ethics of these changes from at least two different ethical
perspectives and indicate whether you agree with Apple’s changes and
article from Forbes Maga:

Using examples and illustrations, discuss various ways in which
information and content is limited on the internet, including on search
and social media. What would a libertarian and a utilitarian say about
these various kinds of limitations? Discuss Eli Pariser’s concept of an
echo-chamber, or internet bubble, and how this affects social life.
Read the following article from The Conversation
and discuss how this perspective differs from Pariser’s. Which kinds of
control over internet information do you think are legitimate and which
are not and why?
article from The Conversatio:

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