What is mestizaje and what were some of those specific challenges to which elites were trying to respond? How did/does blackness figure into mestizaje narratives in Latin America and the Caribbean?

Blackness In Latin America and The Caribbean

The task of constructing a nation, with a presumed unified culture and people was a difficult one wherever it has been attempted. In response to some specific challenges, elites in many Latin American countries developed narratives of mestizaje to make sense of race and nation. In this essay, you must answer the following questions: What is mestizaje and what were some of those specific challenges to which elites were trying to respond? How did/does blackness figure into mestizaje narratives in Latin America and the Caribbean? In this discussion, please include an example of mestizaje/racial democracy discourses and the place of blackness in at least one specific Latin American or Caribbean country. Finally, some scholars continue to argue that mestizaje represented a progressive and radical position. How would you make the case for this view of mestizaje? What evidence from Latin American societies – colonial and/or post-independence – might you use to make this case? Use at least three readings from class in answering this prompt.

Your essay should also use APA-style in-text citations as follows:
– In-text: Paraphrase: (Fulana, 1899).
– Quotation: (Fulana, 1899, p. 799)
Defines and uses concepts in ways that show a clear and deep understanding of them
Meaningfully engages reading #1: Engages a specific course reading meaningfully, explicit discussion of arguments, definition and explanation of concepts and sometimes, evidence or examples from the text. Shows an unusually high grasp of the reading being engaged.
Meaningfully engages reading #2: Engages a specific course reading meaningfully, explicit discussion of arguments, definition and explanation of concepts and sometimes, evidence or examples from the text. Shows an unusually high grasp of the reading being engaged.
Thoughtfully and directly answers prompt subquestion
Essay is well-organized and seamlessly written

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