Identify one area in which ACA addresses market failures in the private insurance market, discuss how it works-How does the ACA impact individual consumers with purchasing insurance?

Provide a response to TWO of the questions below
Include the two questions that you selected to discuss at the top of your initial posting.
Identify one area in which ACA addresses market failures in the private insurance market, discuss how it works.
How does the ACA impact individual consumers with purchasing insurance?
How does ACA help low income individuals purchase insurance?
What economic issues do the private health insurance exchanges address?
Identify at least two key changes to the ACA since it’s enactment in 2010. Describe those changes and the impact that each change had in the marketplace.
APA Requirements -Include Scholarly Evidence: Include at least TWO APA formatted references with correlating in-text citations.
Chapter 2 (pages 29 – 50) and Chapter 24 (pages 479 – 498)
APA 7th Edition Formatting for eBook: Morrisey, M. A. (2020). Health Insurance. (3rd ed.). Health Administration Press.
Economics for Healthcare Managers, Fourth Edition.
Required Chapters to Read: Chapter 6 (pages 89 – 103)
APA 7th Edition Formatting for eBook: Lee. R. (2019). Economics for healthcare managers. (4th ed.). Health Administration Press.
An Economic Perspective, Seventh Edition.
Required Chapters to Read: Chapter 38 (pages 623 – 647)
APA 7th Edition Formatting for eBook: Feldstein, P. (2019). Health policy issues: An economic perspective. (7th ed.). Health Administration Press.

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