How does it acquire nutrition and energy?

You are to pick 2 bacteria that are NOT on your 80 Disease Topic Pathogen list (and they cannot be from Disease Final Exam Study Guide). One must be from the Archae Doman and one must be from the Bacteria Domain. One of your bacteria selected must be a autotroph, the other a heterotroph.
For each bacteria include the following:
1. What is its genus species and phyla?
2. What is its morphological shape? (rod, cocci, spiral etc)
3. Do they have flagella or axial filaments?
4. Where is bacteria normally found? (ecosystem?)
5. What is their cell wall and cell membrane composed of?
6. Can the bacteria be treated by antibiotics? Which ones?
7. How does it reproduce? (binary fission, budding, fragmentation?)
8. How does it acquire nutrition and energy? (are they autotrophs or heterotrophs?) Use chapter 5, pages 136-140, to help you with your discussion of nutritional requirements

9. Do they cause disease?
10. Any other unique features that stand out?
11. Why did you pick each bacteria?
You are to pick 1 pathogen from either the fungi, protozoan or helminth that is NOT on your 80 Disease Topic Pathogen list (or on your Disease Final Study Guide list).
For an additional 5 pts EC, you may write another summary of a pathogen from a different classification. Example: pick a fungi and protozoan, fungi and helminth, or a helminth and protozoan.
For each organism selected, answer the following in NUMBER format:
1. What is its genus species and phyla?
2. Is it unicellular or multicellular?
3. Does it have flagella or other structures for movement?
4. Where is organism normally found? (ecosystem?)
5. Does this organism have a cell wall and what is it composed of?
6. Can the organism be treated by antibiotics? Which ones?
7. How does it reproduce? (binary fission, budding, fragmentation?)
8. How does it acquire nutrition and energy? (are they autotrophs or heterotrophs?) Use chapter 5, pages 136-140, to help you with your discussion of nutritional requirements
9. Does it cause disease?
10. Any other unique features that stand out?
11. Why did you pick each organism?
12. image or picture of each organism selected
Writing Requirements
In order to receive full credit, you must answer each part of this question. Clearly NUMBER/LETTER each answer without including the question (to prevent high similarity score). No more than 1.5 pgs. Typed, double spaced, 12 pt font Times Roman. This assignment will be checked for originality using the plagiarism platform. No more than 25% similarity or 10% AI computer generated text scores will be accepted. Check your originality/similarity scores BEFORE final submission. Similarities scores can be checked by viewing the assignment in the grade section for your assignment. If writing guidelines are not followed, point deductions will be taken. If you do not get a similarity score, the file is not in an acceptable format.

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