Evaluate how the assessments can be used with diverse clients as part of an ethical assessment process.

https://www.counseling.org/ – This reference has to be used as one of the references per the instructions

Select one of the cases in your specialization area.
The scenario you choose should be based on your counseling specialization.
Identify the primary question an assessment needs to address for your identified scenario.
What is the primary presenting concern of the client or clients in your scenario?
Examine three different assessment tools for the identified case:
Identify a symptom checklist that might be useful for the client, and describe its application in this case.
Describe personality assessment, and identify a personality assessment instrument and its application in this case.
Describe a career assessment that could be useful for the client and provide hypothetical results for your chosen case.
For each assessment, please examine the following:
Provide a clear description of the case’s completed assessment tool and measure of the identified problem. Use evidence from the literature to support your description.
Describe how the case’s completed assessment is scored and interpreted. In you description of the assessment’s scoring and interpretation, be certain to incorporate the measurement constructs (such as reliability and validity) you have learned about throughout this course. Be certain to discuss ways in which the assessment is validated for use with diverse clients.
Review the hypothetical results of the completed assessment for your case. Then, interpret and present these results in your paper.
Evaluate how each assessment is linked to the practice of counseling.
As the counselor for your identified scenario, how do the assessment tools you examined in the previous section support your work as a counselor? Be certain to discuss the applicability of each to initial assessment.
Then, go beyond initial assessment to examine the ways you can use assessment throughout the counseling process.
Evaluate how the assessments can be used with diverse clients as part of an ethical assessment process.
How would you present the assessment results to your client or clients?
Describe the process of presenting assessment results with a clear consideration of the client’s unique cultural context. Be certain to identify the relevant sections of the code of ethics for your profession (e.g., ACA, ASCA).

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