In what ways do you see the values of biculturalism or multiculturalism represented in your curriculum materials, reading materials, videos, lectures, etc.

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Reading discussion based on Reyes & Kleyn, Ch. 7 (chapter uploaded in BB)

1.The author gives an example of a one-sided approach toward culture in the classroom (using the example of a St. Patrick’s Day lesson) that focuses on artifacts of culture such as food, dress, legends, dances. Later in the chapter, they present several counter examples that center the culture of the EB students. Comment on this topic and what you have observed OR experienced yourself in terms of learning explicit lessons about culture in school.
2. Moving from a bicultural to a multicultural curriculum: In the final sections of the chapter, the authors argue that teachers need to represent many cultures in their lessons, and furthermore, consider what perspectives and voices are included in the materials in which multicultural America shows up in the curriculum. Connect their argument to your own observations of the cultural content of a curriculum. If you have not yet begun your fieldwork, here is my extraordinary suggestion: Comment on the cultural content of the curriculum presented to you at Mercy University. In what ways do you see the values of biculturalism or multiculturalism represented in your curriculum materials, reading materials, videos, lectures, etc…

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