Discuss and demonstrate an awareness of the impact of structural inequality and racism on the topic of the project paper.

(typed, double-spaced, 12 font)

Denise Dombkowski Hopkins and Michael S. Koppel, Grounded in the Living Word: The Old Testament and Pastoral Care Practices (Eerdmans, 2010)

Choose one (1) chapter to summarize its argument and discuss how it might help you to respond to trauma experienced by people in your ministry setting.

[Serving as a Chaplain affords me the opportunity to interface with Service Members (Navy, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, Merchant Marines and their dependents) on a national level. The Service Members are in the US and overseas, deployed on ships, in the fields, at the Pentagon, in academies, hospitals, officer schools, bootcamp, and embedded in local communities in the civilian sectors. Military chaplain are 100%, confidential and not a mandatory reporter which helps to cultivate a safe space for our military personnel to seek help without fear of loosing the livelihood, career, security clearance, etc.

Citations may be pulled from:
• Richard Ascough and Charles Cotton, Passionate Visionary: Leadership Lessons from the Apostle Paul (Hendrickson, 2006)
• Jennifer Baldwin, Trauma-Sensitive Theology: Thinking Theologically in the Era of Trauma (Cascade Books, 2018)
• Bible through the Lens of Trauma, ed. Elizabeth Boase and Christopher G. Frechette (SBL Press, 2016)
Denise Dombkowski Hopkins and Michael S. Koppel, Grounded in the Living Word: The Old Testament and Pastoral Care Practices (Eerdmans, 2010)
• Denise Dombkowski Hopkins, “Biblical Leadership: Not as Simple as You Think,” podcast: Episode 23, Lewis Center for Church Leadership
• Lewis Parks and Bruce Birch, Ducking Spears, Dancing Madly: A Biblical Model of Church Leadership (Abingdon, 2004)
• Lovett Weems, “Leading like Nehemiah” podcast: Episode 83, Lewis Center for Church Leadership

Episode 83: “Leading Like Nehemiah” featuring Lovett H. Weems Jr.

• Carla Works, “Learning About Leadership from Women in the Bible.” podcast: Episode 37, Lewis Center for Church Leadership

Episode 37: “Learning about Leadership from Women in the Bible” featuring Carla Works

Recommended Web Sites:
www.bibleodyssey.com – the interactive web site of the Society of Biblical Literature focusing on texts, people, and places

www.textweek.com — ecumenical resources for study, liturgy, and reflection, including art index, movie connections and reviews.

Web Mistress: Jenee Woodward, UMC, graduate of St. Paul School of Theology

http://www.crivoice.org/aboutcri.html – Christian Resource Institute, a ministry of Light Church of the Nazarene in Oklahoma. Ecumenical and global (non-English resources).

Webmaster: Dennis Bratcher, Ph.D., Union Seminary, VA

www.EnterTheBible.org – A free, comprehensive, and trustworthy resource written by Luther Seminary faculty.

Background information for the assignment:
Course Description: an exploration of selected biblical texts, themes, and leaders for perspectives on leadership that may inform, challenge, and stimulate best leadership practices in the silmilitary context.

Student Learning Outcomes: on completion of the course, each student will be able to:
• identify and evaluate leadership strengths and weaknesses of Saul, David, the psalmists, Job, Paul, Ezra-Nehemiah, and other biblical figures
• delineate issues that emerge from the study of these biblical figures that leadership must address (e.g., theodicy, trauma, suicide, lament)
• show how biblical images of leadership may inform, challenge, and stimulate her or his leadership and theology
• identify how various biblical leadership skills may be utilized to challenge structural inequality and racism today.

This course contributes to the Goals and Student Objectives of the Doctor of Ministry program (listed below), particularly Goal 1 (A,B, C), Goal 2 (A, B), and Goal 4 (A, B).

D.Min. Program Goals
Goal 1: Assess current trends and perennial issues in the biblical, theological, and ministerial practice disciplines.

Student Objectives:
A. Demonstrate in course assignments comprehension of major trends and issues, particularly the insights of those who have historically experienced oppression
B. Evaluate in one’s ministry context the social, historical, and/or theological implications of structural inequality and racism
C. Assess one’s present practices in ministry in light of A and B

Goal 2: Integrate the best practices of ministry with new learnings from the biblical, theological, and ministerial practice disciplines.

Student Objectives:
A. Formulate a final project paper that engages study with best practices in the ministry setting
B. Develop the role of reflective practitioner and resident theologian in the ministry setting
C. Develop the ability to analyze one’s social location about the social location and history of others

Goal 3: Equip students to contribute to research and writing for the church’s public fund of knowledge about the practice of ministry.

Student Objectives:
A. Generate a biblical/theological component of the project paper that anchors, amplifies, illuminates, energizes, or otherwise serves the final project paper
B. Produce a project paper that can be instructive in other ministry settings
C. Demonstrate an awareness of the impact of structural inequality and racism on the topic of the project paper

Goal 4: Model a structure for collegial exchange, accountability, and reflection on spiritual and moral development.

Student Objectives:
A. Practice collegial exchange and critique in all classes
B. Develop listening skills to surface the stories of marginalized voices

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